A Place To Call Home; by Rachel Line and Sallie DeReus
A visit review; by Jennifer VanKooten, Executive Director, Historic Pella Trust The book A Place To Call Home is about a family who emigrated from the Netherlands in 1847, along with…
A visit review; by Jennifer VanKooten, Executive Director, Historic Pella Trust The book A Place To Call Home is about a family who emigrated from the Netherlands in 1847, along with…
Written by Jennifer Van Kooten, Executive Director of Historic Pella Trust; February 2, 2019While I was working on the Cloverleaf Dairy story, we discovered that there was a connection with…
Clover Leaf Dairy and a Love That Lasts a Lifetime…By Jennifer VanKootenThe Dutch pioneers built straw dwellings among the oak trees in the Northwest corner of Pella after emigrating from…
Weekly Dutch Language Class Dutch Classes with Carol HoeksemaWritten by Jennifer VanKootenIf you are like me, you have heard Dutch spoken by your relatives. You were maybe taught some Dutch…
The History Behind the Stately Home on the Hill at 503 MainBy Bruce BoertjeUpdate: This home was demolished in 2020.The once-stately home at 503 Main, referred to as the Warren…
175 years ago, the territory east of the Mississippi river, past the city of Fairfield, Iowa was controlled by the Native Americans. The United States Dragoon Soldiers kept pioneers away…
Mikol Sesker and Judi Gustofson visit about moving the massive home from Central Collegehttp://kniakrls.com/2018/10/lets-talk-pella-boardwalk-house-move/The above link will take you to the radio station link, you will have to come back…
Bob Zylstra describes about the honor of being on the National Register of Historic Places along with the need for a local ordinance that the neighbors will have to petition…
You can visit with Historic Pella Trust board member and historic home owner, Jill Jansen, during our Block Party, Oct 13, from 10-2! She is even inviting you to visit…