Pella Historic Trust Presents Pella’s first Historic District Block Party rescheduled for Saturday Oct. 13, 2018

The Collegiate Neighborhood Historic District Block party was held Saturday October 13, 2018. The community was invited to celebrate the historic district with us, see some renovations in progress, learn…

Continue ReadingPella Historic Trust Presents Pella’s first Historic District Block Party rescheduled for Saturday Oct. 13, 2018

Historic Pella Trust Annual Meeting and Awards; Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018; feature presentation by Dave Baker: “In the Details”

Our 2018 Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, Nov. 8th, doors open at 6:30 pm with a social time and displays to view,  7pm Program,  we will review HPT’s past…

Continue ReadingHistoric Pella Trust Annual Meeting and Awards; Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018; feature presentation by Dave Baker: “In the Details”